even numbered chapters by
nooshin azadi odd numbered chapters by
rhoda penmarq illustrated by
rhoda penmarqto begin at the beginning, click
chapter 4: through the sky
princess atusa could hear the sky's fingertips playing an anxious tune on the trembling window the expectant air in the room moved heavily around her face
she could smell something new a blue bird darted through the gray sky shrieking ominously when passing by her window on the shore the scene she'd been visualizing for months was taking place: at last! the thunder of her voice echoed in the dim room frightening the maid behind the door the tray of food was pushed hesitantly into the room accompanied by the maid's shaky voice: the queen personally will visit you this afternoon to inquire about the lost silver teaspoons princess atusa's eyes inspected the loaded tray agitatedly when the door was locked once again she rushed to the tray and grabbed the small silver teaspoon: the last one! another thunder echoed in the room she took out a bottle from under her bed filled with a dark sticky liquid the silver teaspoon was bogging in the potion now sending tiny green bubbles into the air un deux trois quatre cinq six sept seven drops of blood dripping from her thumb set the potion afire she capped the bottle shaking it frenziedly: this afternoon i'll be just a shadow! thus commences the quest for the golden cobra that begins with her and ends with me a bloody battle between the lamb and the tiger and my weapon will be her ignorance

chapter 5: the blue bird
I could've used some of that potion this morning...
Hah! Atusa rules. Her kung fu is dark.
to become a shadow, dear Dan Leo? ah... i understand...
dear Old Peter... as dark as a moonless night...
thank you both!
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