
Sunday, April 11, 2021


by wiggly jones,"the little hippie boy"

two monkeys named mick and mike and a baboon named bart are walking through the jungle and they come to an apple tree and a banana tree.

the monkeys like apples and the baboon likes bananas.

mick and mike fight over the apples and mike kills or at least seriously injures mick.

bart is free to eat all the bananas he wants, as the monkeys do not want them.

mike and bart continue on their way.

they come to a plum tree. neither of them really like plums all that much.

they decide to wait.

after a while a bear named bruce shows up. unlike mike and bart, bruce is quite fond of plums. he would prefer not to have to fight mike and/or bart for them.

after taking the measure of mike and bart, bruce decides to form an alliance with bart against mike.

bruce and bart chase mike away from the plum tree.

bruce stuffs himself with plums and generously offers to share them with bart, who gratefully accepts a couple even though he is not really hungry and does not really like plums.

after devouring the plums, bruce and bart go their separate ways.

as fate would have it, bart encounters mike again, sitting on a rock and looking sad.

after a few desultory recriminations from mike, they hook up again and go on their not so merry way.

they do not come to any more trees, at least no live ones with any fruit on them.

they find a dead one, with bugs in it. that is the best they can do.

mike is more adept at catching the bugs than bart, and does not let bart forget it.

bart expresses proper gratitude to mike for catching bugs for him, but deep down he does not really mean it.

after finishing with the bugs and the tree, they move on again.

rain begins to fall.

they encounter a chimp, a female named catherine.

this is where things begin to get interesting.

but that is another tale for another day.

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