
Sunday, December 31, 2023


by bofa xesjum

roy ransom was a cowboy .

he lived in a bunkhouse on the range.

winter was coming.

roy decided to hitchhike to hollywood to get in the movies,

he went to sleep and dreamed of a pterodactyl.

roy and the pterodactyl had exciting adventures together in the dream.

you probably think the ptetodactyl’s name was pete but it was it was sad sam.

roy and sad sam had exciting adventures in the dream like you would not believe.

roy thought if he could remember the dreams and write them down they would be a bestseller and he would make a billion dollars like shakespeare or stephen king and he would not have to bother hitchhiking to hollywood to be in the movies.

but he could not remember the dreams to save his life.

snow was falling outside the bunkhouse.

roy had to get up and poke some cows.

big mike fink, the trail boss, came through the bunkhouse banging on the lid of a can to wake the cowpokes up.

but roy was already up and getting ready to saddle and ride.

mike fink scowled at roy in that way that he had, but did not compliment him on being up so promptly and getting ready to saddle and ride.

little did mike suspect that very evening, after the sun went down, roy was planning to hit the road to hook or by crook to become the greatest movie star that ever lived.

outside the bunkhouse the snow was starting to build up on the ground.

cookie, the cook, and little joe, the clubhouse boy and class clown, decided to build a snowman after chow was over.

when chow was over and the cowpokes had had their fill of steaks ad grits and coffee, cookie and little went out in the swirling winter wonderland and began building a snowman.

the snowman’s name was not pete or sad sam but wait for it.

but by this time roy had slunk off down the road and was on his way to hollywood california to become a movie star.

so roy never got to meet wait for it which was a shame because they might have been best buddies.

mike fink stood in the door of the cookhouse and watched cookie and little joe put the finishing touches on wait for it in the falling snow.

sad sam the pterodactyl flew overhead but mike and cookie and little joe and the cowpokes on their way to the main range could not see him because of the snow which was now falling fast.

but sad sam was up there all right.

he would catch up to roy later after he got to hollywood and settled down.

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