
Sunday, September 15, 2024

world war 5

by horace p sternwall

i had a dog named captain kidd
he thought he was slick but i knew what he did
i also knew where his treasure was hid
but kept my eyeball under its lid

i had a cat named omar khayyam
who liked chopped liver and fried clams
he said good morning sir and thank you, ma’am
and thought civilization was a sham

i had a horse named harry jones
who listened at night to the wind moan
he had a bag full of polished stones
and sometimes felt so all alone

i had an elephant named ed brown
who knew all the important people in town
he always had a smile, not a frown
and never let anything get him down

i had a friend named freddy lee
who was always nice to me
one day he drowned in the deep blue sea
how and why is a mystery

i could go on and on like this
but you might think something was remiss
on a piece of paper i will make a list
of everything i might have missed

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