
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

the proposal, part 2

by nick nelson

part two of three

to read part one, click here

johnny decided to walk to the end of the street he was walking on, whatever it was, and if he did not encounter anyone , to turn back.

but not, he told himself, necessariiy to work on his proposal.

i will close my eyes for ten seconds, he thought, and maybe when i open them i will see wiilie brown or some other friendly human.

he closed his eyes. he was not very good at counting to ten without his phone, and gave up at seven.

when he opened his eyes, he did indeed see another person heading his way.

that worked pretty well, he thought, i should try it more often when i want something to happen.

this person had a round head instead of a square one, and wore an orange hat instead of a black one.

he was neither fat not thin, and on his face was a foolish grin.

he was barefoot.

johnny’s heart sank. surely this was not his old friend willie brown.

but there was nothing for it but to hope for the best and soldier on, because you never knew.

the barefoot man with the orange hat and foolish grin reached johnny.

immediately the grin faded and he assumed a rigid posture with his hands at his sides like a royal marine or a swiss guard.

johnny had never actually seen a royal marine or a swiss guard and would have been hard pressed to give a detailed description of their respective uniforms.

who might you be, out for a walk on this sunny afternoon, the roundheaded asked johnny, pleasantly enough.

i thought it might rain, johnny answered inconsequentially.

it might, the man agreed, it always has.

suddenly johnny had a frightening thought.

maybe this seemingly friendly individual was an establishment spy, walking the streets night and day to draw innocent persons like johnny into compromising conversations.

i have to get home before it starts to rain, johnny blurted out.

as you please, the orange-hatted barefoot man rejoindered cheerfully, but you are missing out on the chance of a lifetime to engage me in stimulating discourse, as i am - what else? - the last universal genius.

some other time, the now properly terrified johnny managed to squeak, and left the man on the sidewalk without looking back.

what a narrow escape!

he decided to walk another hundred yards before turning back, in order to give the obvious provocateur time to get some distance away.

end of part two

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