
if i was a head in a jar the cat would try to fish and get me i'd wake at night to the cling, cling, cling of claws on curious glass -

if i was a head in a jar i'd hate it when you left me facing the wall, by accident, and went out, and i had to look at the wall all the time

if i was a head in a jar, i wouldn't sleep i'd just stay awake and watch everything, forever

if i was a head in a jar, i'd like a little tank with little treads and little crab claws to get things with and look at them and i'd like a best friend maybe we'd go for a holiday on the sea-bed, in our little tanks, looking out of our jars

if i was a head in a jar, i'd go far in demand as a lecturer, mountaineer, and pirate all these things and more if only i was just a head in a jar.
Peter Greene 2010.
very nice
nagaraj Raj left this on google buzz
(which I don't check very often):
I concur, old 333.
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