fear is a wound: the child was afraid of the dead eyes winking at her

the second leaf was gone with the darkness the plate was empty again the cats were making strange grumbling sounds

.distance is a wound: the child was missing the friendly eyes laughing with her

the third leaf was gone with the wind the plate was empty again the cats were hiding behind the portraits

xiii understanding is a wound: the little girl came to know that all played games and all games had at least one loser

the fourth leaf was gone with the shadows the plate was empty again the cats were sniffing the suitcases in the middle of the hallway

.truth is a wound: the little girl told the truth, but nobody believed her she learned that all were telling lies in one way or another

the fifth leaf was gone with the light the plate was empty again the cats were kneading on her lap

friendship is a wound: those who were closer to the little girl could hug her tighter and beat her harder

the sixth leaf was gone with the rain the plate was empty again the cats were purring contently

each word is a wound: the small girl soon discovered that each word is a world when the speaker is on an expedition to the north pole the hearer might be camping in the south pole

the seventh leaf was gone with the moonlight the plate was empty again the cats were fast asleep

Magical, again, both words and pictures.
(I'm loving some of these word verifications by the way. Today's is "rumicalg".)
That was really lovely. Also, I will not forget: "the small girl soon discovered that each word is a world
when the speaker is on an expedition to the north pole
the hearer might be camping in the south pole"
Really cool piece, guys...thanks, and hoping for more!
dan and peter,
thanks again, your support is much appreciated!
are you doing the word verification because it's fun? if you are signed into google, you shouldn't have to do it.
Rhoda -- ah, I never thought about that, all my years in the service...But now that I think about it, sometimes I come by to "flashing by" without having signed in, and then "it" asks for the funny words...like rumicalg or warbag...today's is one that's like the name for an apprentice angel: "ophoel"...
sharing is all! crow is honored to have such great friends...
one writes... one draws... one reads... one remembers... and all live...
Dan Leo, Old Peter, timmy...
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