
Thursday, December 16, 2010

1. of cats and humans...

by human being

illustration by rhoda penmarq


they returned home
without the cat!
he could roam in a larger world now
cats always need a larger world

i wish i could erase all my memories with him, said the child
she had a new wound to lick now
children always have new wounds to lick

one day all you'll have will be your memories, said the woman
she felt the child needed something more than words now
women always think they should give more

the man was standing in the doorway
saying nothing
watching the woman embracing the child
men always stand in the doorways and say nothing 



Unknown said...

Who's that thoughtful jerk who said we should never say "always?"
I like the scene here... normative and yet composed of so many claims... so much of it invisible till someone steps up as stage manager... or poet.
Thanks.. and thanks for glancing at my stuff over at {{BOMB.}}

rhoda said...

thanks, andy! contribute something yourself if you like - i see you are signed up.

Peter Greene said...

That was quite lovely...the picture accompanying is an infinite classic. You guys NEED to do a kids book, or more appropriately, a lot of people who don't know they do need you to.


Romantic Poetess said...

A cat can really make you feel that way. Such a lovely poem.

human being said...

right on target! all i intended was to attract the attention to the things hidden behind those claims... hence the word 'always'...
i'm glad i found my way to your site... it is a refreshing fountain of wisdom...

and timmy...
it was Andy himself who hid that treasure (facere olere) here...

Old Peter...
thanks a lot! you are always full positive energy... giving more motivation to your friends to go on...
me too really like timmy's visual version on our works... the new perspective he adds...

human being said...

dear Dan Leo...
nice melts all ice
thanks for reading!

dear Poetess...
yes... cats can do anything... they can even live in you...
thank you very much!