a black feather falls from the cage frivolously floating in the agitated air timmy notices it before it lands on rhoda's wavering hair "another one!" he gasps as he catches the feather "can this be mine, too?" he glances up at the cage "what can i do with all these feathers in this small cage?" croaks the crow "didn't i tell you before you can use them as you like? alas! seems even this gentle soul doesn't understand my tongue!" adds the crow with a sigh
crow's harsh cries fade away in the new glorious piece horace choose to play timmy glances at the cage a second time and shrugs the cage is now swinging in the gentle breeze rushing through the open stained-glass window he advances towards his show-case in the corner of the hall examining the feather intently
the show-case is full of feathers of all colors and sizes the black ones are scattered randomly among them they are crow's crow knows them she has not counted them but she knows they are not a thousand and one yet

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