
Friday, July 21, 2023

getting late

by nick nelson

it was getting late - very late.

harold had been waiting on the corner for walter for hours.

it started to rain.

harold was a loyal and patient person.

and he had put up with a lot from walter over the years since they had been at the institute together.

harold and walter and francine and rose had been assigned to a pod when they arrived, bright and smiling, at the institute.

francine would go in to a fine career at the institute but rose and walter had washed out on the second day and haroldoin the third day.

they had agreed to meet at a motel outside the institute’s walls if they washed out early, and they did.

rose and walter had decided to get married during the night they had spent at the motel before harold joined them.

harold was a bit disconcerted by this, but being a loyal and patient person, he simply smiled and congratulated them.

he really did not care that they were going to get married.

what he did care about was that they did not seem at all discomfited by the fact that they had washed out of the iinstitute.

they ttalked glibly about starting a new life, and forgetting that the institute existed.

harold, on the other hand, wanted to dedicate his life to avenging himself on the institute for the way it had humiliated him and denied the reason for his existence.

now, he thought, i will have to walk a lonely road in my quest for vengeance.

it was a sobering thought.

walter and rose decided to head to las vegas to get married and offered to drive harold as far as flagstaff arizona.

harold accepted. the thought of being dropped off in what he imagined to be a desert appealed to him.

little did he suspect that fifteen years later, he would be no closer to his goal of destroying the institute, and that he would be appealing to walter for a loan that would simply ensure that he could survive for a few more weeks.

but walter was nowhere to be seen.

what a dirty rat, harold thought bitterly.

he has betrayed me,, just like everybodty i have ever known, starting with …with… what was her name?

the rain started to come down harder.

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