
Monday, August 28, 2023

still life

by horace p sternwall

a man walked down the street in the blue rain
a dog watched from a window high above
a woman told the dog his meal was served
the cat continued to peacefully dream

the picture on the wall was nothing much
but the woman and the dog both liked it
the cat thought it lacked taste or perspective
the cook was busy chopping the parsley

the man walking down the street in the rain
had no thought on the matter either way
he had never seen the picture himself
and knew not the woman, dog, cat, or cook

his name might have been bill smith or al jones
but in fact it was not either of these
he was a registered as a republican
but had no interest in politics

the man had the most intense fantasies
of playing quarterback for the raiders
even after they moved to las vegas
but had little interest in women

the rain continued to fall in the street
long after the cat climbed down from the couch
and sat looking out the darkened window
ignoring the picture that it so disdained

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