some apology might be deemed necessary for the first poem, an early effort of horace p sternwall's. it was in extremely poor taste even in its own day, but is far more so in these more enlightened times. it was written in an attempt to tap the "real american vernacular", and as a reaction to his own period of infatuation with the poetry of lovecraft, robert e howard, and - most unfortunately - lord dunsany. how the attempt at "real american" speech compares to the similar efforts of his bete noir ezra pound, i leave to the reader to judge. but surely a little bad taste can be countenanced if it helps to free the poet from the thrall of lord dunsany? - rp
i saw your mom at fourth and main
the clock struck twelve and it started to rain
she didn't hurry to get indoors
but kept on walkin with the rest of the _______

i kept on walkin, the rain didn't stop
a few blocks down i saw your pop
in front of the pet store where they sell canaries
with his hand on his hip with the rest of the _______
i saw your girl friend sitting all alone
eating horn and hardart out of house and home
now maybe some people like it like that
but she'll never get to heaven because she's too _______

i saw your grandpa, the poor old fool
dressed in his coffin like he's ready for school
the undertaker said, i don't know what he did
but he's so ugly i can't close the _______

i talked to the wind and the wind died down i talked to the trees and they all left town

i talked to the stars and they faded away i talked to the night and it turned to day
i talked to a flower on a windowsill i called it bob and it said, i'm bill

i talked to a bottle lying in the gutter it looked up at me and its eyelids fluttered
i talked to the drops that were still left in it they looked up at me and said, hold on a minute

i talked to the glass when the bottle broke when it fell on the sidewalk through a cloud of smoke
i talked to the smoke as it drifted away and then - i had nothing more to say

Even the most dubious of Sternwall's poems would assure his place in Literary Valhalla.
Thanks more to dim wit than poor education--at least in poetry--I can never judge what's good or bad.
I like the early poem. I love the second.
wish i'd written 'talkin'...
thanks to all.
perhaps the first poem would be best left out of the library of america edition of horace's works.
no way, timmy.. why should that gem be left out?!
it's a very thoughtprovoking and innovative poem... leaving a blank at the end of each stanza to be filled by us makes this work so heavy with meaning...
think the problem is that you should never publish more than one poem in a post... even if it is a two liner...
each of your works carry lots of meaning that deserve pondering upon...
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