the circle i draw cuts its own path i watch it lovingly as it disappears out of my sight

There’s a sidewalk here, the city has poured, cemented with smooth and perfect squares.

It leads to all the usual places, only altering when at last it crumbles.

There's also the rough- cut route I’ll walk, taking Aeolus by his shaky hand to stroll where moths mingle, dandelions dance, and destinations giggle tickled by our setting suns.
- Late summer's stroll by Francis Scudellari

on my way i came across a woman buying and selling other people's secrets

- buy something! - i don't need anything... i travel light - you want to sell some of your secrets then! - no... i've got none - everyone has got at least a few secrets! - nobody has got any secrets - then what are these i have here? - they are your hiding places

inflation is not a change but deflation is

on my way i came across an unflying bird she was lying on the ground with drooping wings and an unsinging beak
i hold her in my hands and looked into her sad eyes

he loved me, she started in a broken voice, but his love was a cage he'd envy the sky if i flied he'd hate the trees if i sat in them he thought all i sang had to be about him

relating my songs to himself reproaching me for the joy or the grief or the anger i expressed towards things in my life

i didn't fly i didn't sing i forgot my voice and even my wings
but one day i came to myself i was not a bird anymore
who am i then?

i ran away but he came after me he said he loved me but his love was a cage he said he loved me but his love was death

these were the last words of the bird

gradually my hands grew cold
i buried her in my words and continued on my way wondering if the hunters ever love the birds

many strange dreams i tried to weave into what i really believe but something always broke the spell so now - i'll never tell
- i'll never tell by horace p sternwall
Even birds have relationship problems.
they do... especially when they are human incarnations...
My ex's grandmother says that crows are the dead. Of course, she also says that blackbirds are an evil cross between 'a raven and other birds' and that they will steal the eyes out of your baby if you leave the stroller unmanned in a park with trees.
well... crows are not the first animals to be the victim of man's projections...
in Iran people tell little kids if they do something wrong, the crow will report on them to the parents...
all these fables and stories denote crow's awareness... no? :)
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