i have made a profound study of history and the universe, and i only know two things:
my mom is the nicest person who has ever lived.
and donald trump is the worst person who has ever lived.
everything else - who knows?
who is the second nicest person who ever lived?
it could be anybody, lost in the mists of time, or living on a planet in some expanding and exploding galaxy in some other dimension.
who is the second worst person of all time?
it might well be elon musk, but who really knows?
after all, is it not incredible that the nicest person who ever lived, and the worst, should both live in each others lifetimes, on one tiny planet in the infinite solar systems and galaxies of the incomprehensible universe?
think about it.
last night. i had a strange dream, which might go some way to elucidating these mysteries.
in my dream i was some kind of more or less human creature, sitting under a mossy tree in the foggy depths of a dark swamp, with a faithful doggy creature by by side, when suddenly i beheld a dim red light descending through the mist to a spot about a hundred yards away.
as i watched, the red light stabilized.
then expanded laterally - i realized it was the door of a space ship opening.
a group of ten or twelve hulking figures emerged. i could barely make them out through the fog and mist.
two of the figures detached themselves from the group and headed toward me and my dog (whose name, i now recall, was slug).
the two creatures were donald trump and elon musk.
they did not have the same shape and size as they did on earth in the 21st century, but i knew they were donald trump and elon misk.
i wanted to run, but i could not move.
they came closer…
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