according to the latest findings, there is an epidemic of loneliness in the world today. i just thought you might be lonely.
i am not lonely. get lost, before i call the management.
this place has a management?
if it doesn’t , i will call emergency services. just stop bothering me, all right? is that what you do with your life, bother people?
i just thought you might be lonely. i am doing research on the atomization of society preparatory to its dissolution and possible reconstruction.
that sounds very interesting. but not to me. so get lost.
hey buddy! hey buddy! over here! forget that guy, come over and talk to me.
are you lonely?
not particularly. you might say i am friendly. a friendly guy. i like to get out and talk to the people, you know?
i am sorry i could not interest you in my project.
forget about him. what’s your name, my friend?
eddie - eddie smith.
eddie smith! hey, that’s my name too! small world, hey?
no, it is a big world. there are just a lot of people named eddie smith in it. and a lot of people named mahmoud ali, and a lot of people named lee chan.
ha ha good point. well, eddie smith, who are you, and what do you do, if you do not mind my asking?
i am training myself to be emperor of the universe and chairman of the planet earth. and i like to ask people questions , particularly relating to the atomization of society preparatory to its dissolution and possible reconstruction.
that sounds impressive. very impressive indeed. i am impressed. so what kind of questions do you like to ask?
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