
Friday, February 21, 2025


by fred flynn

part 1 of ?

hello. my name is gilgamesh xxvi.

i aspire to be selected - not elected - to the posts of emperor of the universe and chairman of the planet earth.

i think i could do a good job in these positions - better than whoever is doing them now.

if you would like to support my claims, please email the united nations at

as i write this, the present population of earth is a little less than 8 billion. if at least 4 billion people support my claim to the united nations, it will have to be taken seriously.

or maybe not.

please note that i am not asking for “support” in the form of money, nor am i starting any kind of political party or movement, with myself or anybody else as the “leader” of it.

i promise i will never ask anybody for money!

all i ask is that you e-mail the united nations on my behalf, as noted above.

in any case, here is my plan.

there are 8 billion people in the world, predicted to cap off at ten billion.

some of them are rich, some of them are not.

otherwise, they are all pretty much the same, wouldn’t you agree?

i think all other distinctions among people should be abolished.

no more male or female or non-binary, no more straight or gay, no more black or white or asian, no more child or teenager or adult or old folks.

everybody will just be a person.

where was i?

oh, yes, i forgot to mention that the first part of my plan is to divide the world population unto ten cities of one billion persons each.

the ten cities might be built in ten remote parts of the world - the bermuda triangle, the sahara desert, easter island, antarctica , wherever. this is just a detail.

in each city there will be a single building, reaching “to the sky”

each of the one billion inhabitants of each city-building will have their own space or “room’”.

they will have no contact, “physical’ or otherwise, with any other inhabitant. this is to avoid any possibility of “abuse, “exploitation”, “injustice”, “misunderstanding”, or “hurtfulness”

every room will be the same size.

protein, water, oxygen, and heat will be pumped into the room and waste products pumped out of it on a regular basis, probably but not necessarily “daily” as “day “ and “night” and the “seasons” will no longer be relevant.

every inhabitant will weigh the same and have the same “life span” (to be determined) as every other.

there will be no more “sex” or “reproduction” as currently understood by contemporary “humans”.

my, aren’t we using a lot of quotation marks!

that is what happens when necessary changes are implemented.

but if you have been paying attention you will see that all this is inevitable and that the whole history of civilization has been moving toward it.

be assured i have your best interests at heart.


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