
Friday, April 26, 2024

underwhelmed windshield wipers

by henry brown junior

henry brown junior selects words randomly from an unabridged dictionary and pastes them together to form poems

angel apple
buddha banana
cat christopher columbus
dog dragon

emperor of the universe education
frank sinatra faith of our fathers
gorilla george washington
henry james harriet tubman

idol of the masses i never knew you
jesse james john wayne
king arthur koolaid
lancelot.leonardo da vinci

mississippi river mike fink
nebuchadnezar nero
old man of the mountain octopus
peter pan pope urban v

queen bee quiet night at home
rogers and hammerstein rapunzel
serpent of the nile savage streets
tutankommen tower of london

uncle bud uncle remus
virginia woolf violin case
willie jones junior who are you
excalibur experimental

yeti youthful indiscretion
zen ziggurat
isaac newton
dwight d eisenhower

that is no excuse
you have no leg to stand on
far away and long ago
take out the trash

Thursday, April 25, 2024


by paul bunyan

paul bunyan is writing an epic poem about the history of the universe and the human race

i went down to the river
to chop down a tree
but forgot my axe
so it was not meant to be

i went to the fair
to buy me a bride
but the bride ran away
so i sat down and cried

i met farmer brown
and bought a pig and a cow
but the pig ran away
so what do i do now?

i went to the city
to find me a job
first i got beat
and then i got robbed

i went to mcdonalds
to buy a burger and fries
but the gypsy was there
because she was so wise

i went to the ocean
to catch me a shark
but the tide was out
so i sat in the dark

it seems there’s no place
in this world for me
it’s all a conundrum
but no mystery

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


by laurel abercrombie

laurel abercrombie writes poems about her family tree, stretching back centuries

my mother
belonged to four or five book clubs
and sampled countless herbal teas

her mother
had a royal (regal?) manner
but was always nice to me

her mother’s mother (my great-grandmther)
was, as a matter of course,
a student of genealogy

and her mother, in the mists of time
was a suffragette
and as proud of it as she could be

further back than that
the ladies blur into one another
sad as it is to say that <>

details are a bit scarce
except for their names ( many of them recurring)
and the numbers of their offspring

but i assert with confidence
that they all dreamed of being free

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

teacher, part 2

by rhoda penmarq

two women sat on a bench in the twilight
they talked about men

“i do not find the subject at all humorous”

the present is always with us
the future not quite so much
not even in the so-called 21st century

the patriarch stroked his long white beard
and stared at the work of art
which he had been told represented the future

so this, he thought, is human civilization
and this is te best they can do
perhaps i should write a novel

about human civilization
in the 21st century
and perhaps touch glancingly on so-called western civilization

and even more briefly on so-called patriarchy
and look briefly into the mists of the future
it will all be very scientific, to be sure

and clean and bright and shining
the sun flashed through the window
briefly illuminating the past

but it was only human civilization
in the form of poetry
and the lost art

of western civilization
lost in the present
all very sad

the forest

by robin hood

robin hood writes poems about the cruelty and injustice of all life

rudy jones was the reddest leaf in the forest

larry brown was the littlest bug in the forest and ate rudy

gus smith was the greenest leaf in the forest

george washington was the biggest gorilla in the forest and ate gus

ridley dunlop was the biggest raindrop in the sky

number 5 was the driest dirt path in the woods and swallowed ridley

roy jones was the littlest rabbit in the forest

he never had a chance

lucas jefferson was the biggest bolt of lightning in the sky

tom brown was the oldest tree in the forest

he, too, never had a chance

the sheriff of nottingham used to be my pal

he never gave me a chance

listen - you can hear the sounds

of teeth chomping

of rain falling

of thunder crashing

of rocks rolling

of armies marching

but mostly of teeth chomping

and gastric juices dissolving

Monday, April 22, 2024

teacher, part 1

by rhoda penmarq

i am a science teacher
i have taught science for a long time
men are pigs

this is the 21st century
but the patriarchy is alive and well
art costs money

the patriarchy has plenty of it
especially in the past
and so does so-called western civilization

is western civilization as bad as all that?

“can’t any of you people take a joke?”

i was born in the 21st century

men are all pigs
sorry, i am not very much interested in poetry

i am a science teacher
men are pigs
the future is on fire

poetry is on the top shelf
women, don’t get me wrong
i bought my wife a birthday present

but that is all in the past
because she was a woman
but did not read romance novels

i try so hard to understand
they say the novel is dead
i know i do not want to write one


by nancy dark

nancy dark writes poems abut being herself

i sit in my room
and lift up my voice
i have to be me
i have no other choice

i have had many lives
i have been many things
i have been locked in boxes
and pulled with strings

i have been hung on trees
and dropped from skies
been drowned in rivers
and baked in pies

i have been poked with sticks
and given thousands of tests
and always been told
it was all for the best

the lives keep on coming
like raindrops in spring
and yet through them all
i ask only one thing

is it asking too much
to wish to be free
for just one life
in eternity?

Sunday, April 21, 2024

5 haiku

by jennifer robinson lodge

jennifer robinson lodge writes haiku, always in the 5 - 7 - 5 syllable pattern

lonely blade of grass
breaking through years of concrete
quietly stepped on


under a white moon
a jumper restores order
insanity smiles


terror in the street
look out below the neighbors
the parrot comes clean



excuse me dear sir
my origins are not clear
but the dinosaur

i used to love rain
especially in spring
but now my feet hurt


Saturday, April 20, 2024

the bend

by george willoughby

george willoughby writes poems that rhyme

cursed from birth
i had no worth
and passed my time
making rhymes

i saw a cloud
and laughed out loud
i walked in the rain
and felt no pain

i listened to the wise
with open eyes
and shed sad tears
with open ears

p i walked alone
through caverns of stone
and wore brown shoes
on broad avenues

i wore red ties
as a disguise
and blue chapeaus
down over my nose

no matter what i did
i was hid
from humankind
who paid me no mind

i sit in the night
waiting for the light
but the bird never sings
and the phone never rings

if i didn’t know better
i would write a letter
to the lords of creation
at the united nations

and invite them to converse
about the universe
and how it will end
as it comes around the bend

Friday, April 19, 2024

jastro - a fragment

by eleanor rapunzel

eleanor rapunel writes poems about the cruelty and injustice of humam lige

people are bad, they should be good
this is widely understood
and yet as we turn history’s pages
we find no records of golden ages

jastro the fifteenth, emoeror of b————
built a fleet, and put to sea
he sailed through wind and rain and thunder
for unsuspecting worlds to plunder

it came across a distant isle
whose natives, innocent of guile
displayed their unselfconscious charms
and welcomed the fleet with open arms

the natives were quickly disabused
what they had, they had to lose
and as night settled on the waves
they were marched into the ships as slaves

jastro’s bosom swelled with pride
lust was his soul, and greed his guide
he continued on his evil way
as his successors do today


could we but find a ray of hope
as we dangle from a fraying rope
might we ask, what can we learn
from history, as the planet burns

Thursday, April 18, 2024

the sky

by doreen wetherby

doreen weatherby writes poems about nature - the sky, trees, flowers, sun, and moon

the sky is smiling at me

why is the sky smiling at me?

why do i think the sky is smiling at me?

the sky is smiling at me

the white clouds are smiling at me

if they turn dark they will still be smiling at me

maybe it will rain

i hope it will rain

i like the rain

why do i like the rain?

because i just do

and i am me

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


by christopher collingwood

christopher collingwood writes poems about his day to day life

i woke up this morning with a feeling of dismay
it was just another day
i brushed my teeth and put on my shoes
and went outside to pay my dues

the bus came by five minutes late
with destiny i had a date
my space awaited me
but all i wanted was to be free

are you free? or are you like me?
why can people not see
the world needs to be rearranged
but somehow this idea seems strange

to the folks filing by
without a tear in their eye
or a frown on their face
o doomed human race!

i put aside these gloomy thoughts
and joined the other bots
in the flowing stream
of this endless dream

maybe this is the day
where i find my way
but now it is time to crunch
i hope i have time for lunch

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

on the job

by betty jones

betty jones writes poems about herself, about her life and her interactions with other people

i had a strange dream last night
but i forgot it
as soon as i woke up

because i have a job interview
the fourth of sixteen
for this particular job

which i hate already
even though i probably will not get it
and then

i will hate it even more
you know how it is
or maybe you do not

maybe you are a dog
or a rat
or a cloud in the sky

or a comic book
in a comic book store
that no one will ever buy

or a cheeseburger
waiting to be heated up
at burger king

so somebody will eat
half of it
but finish their fries

as they look out
the window of the burger king
at the people passing

by on their way
to thousands (millions?)
of job interviews

i wish i was
any of those things
or anything at all except

the people going
to the job interviews
like me

i already am that
well that is all
for now

i have to get dressed
and get going
you know how it is