
Tuesday, February 25, 2025

chairman - 2. help

by fred flynn

part 2 of ?

to read part one, click here

i have the world’s, and the universe’s, best interests at heart.

i want to do the right thing.

but i can’t do it alone.

i need your help.

the system of human survival i outlined in my previous message of about ten large cities in which all the inhabitants have the same amount of space and resources but no physical contact with each other - -that was the easy part. this development, or something very much like it, is inevitable.

now comes the hard part.

when we have to ask the question which has been hovering over the human race since the dawn of the industrial revolution -

what are people going to do all day?

i have some ideas on the subject, but i would be sincerely interested in hearing yours.

one solution is that people meditate all day.

but what will they meditate on?

another is that they pray all day.

but what will they pray for? they will already have everything they need.

a third -and perhaps the one that will get the most votes - is that they watch stories all day.

but stories about what? suppose they see a story about a brave handsome young prince who slays a dragon with a sword and conquers a kingdom? will they be able to comprehend what a sword is, or a dragon, or a kingdom?

and would not such stories reintroduce and reinforce the harmful stereotypes of millennia that it took centuries to unravel?

what about stories about brave princesses who slay hateful reactionary trolls? would these be any more comprehensible?

would they be useful? the trolls will no longer exist, or need to be defeated.

do you see where i am coning from?


yes, nurse?

it is time for your breakfast. your oatmeal is getting cold.


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