
Thursday, June 16, 2011

and the bloodiest battles take place on paper...

by nooshin azadi


stop it you dear poets
poetry is not your personal wrath
poetry is not the sword of retaliation
stop it please

don't summon your words

to shed more blood on the streets of life

don't shoot at agitated emotions
with your literary devices
don't rape ignorant minds
with your pompous pens

put an end to your empty revolutionary songs

your trojan horses end up only in another animal farm

freedom withers between your dogmatic lines
let the eagle of your ego do prometheus no harm

with your words
weave a basket
to pick the apples of patience for the readers
make them pause

with your words
build a labyrinth
to trap the distracted attention of the listeners
make them ponder

with your words
craft a mirror

to show the beauty entrapped in the beast
make them love

stop it you dear poets
stop it please

don't sacrifice the readers
to save your monarchy


1 comment:

Francis Scudellari said...

"with your words / weave a basket / to pick the apples of patience ..."

That's a lovely image for poet's to strive to.