
Monday, May 13, 2024

in the old coal mine

by nick nelson

i don’t understand you.

you must not be the understanding type.

i am the understanding type. i have the paper to prove it.

what about the coal mine? what about what happened in the old coal mine on that long ago day?

that was a long time ago.

is that not what i said?

what did you say? i must have missed something.

i said what about walter king? what about what you said to walter king on that long ago day?

leave walter king out of this.

you didn’t leave him out of anything on that long ago day..

walter was perfectly capable of taking care of himself.

whatever happened to walter anyway?

i think you know exactly what happened to walter on that long ago day and subsequently.


if you are that interested, you have a phone in your pocket, look him up.

there must be a lot of walter kings in the world.

refine your search.

how? walter king who has red hair and wears red and yellow ties and pinstriped shirts? he may have changed his appearance since that long ago day.

how about walter king who conspired with bill unsworth and jerry dooley to rig the price of fernando limited in the old coal mine in harnsworth iowa on that long ago day, on that long ago day of january 17———?

you fool! you blind fool! if you put that in _________.

to coin a phrase, i was only kidding, i would never put that on my phone.

on your phone! on your phone! do you not know what time it is?

i do not hear any sirens.

i do! listen!

yes, i guess i do hear them. well, we had a nice run.

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