
Thursday, May 30, 2024

henry, part 2

by corinne delmonico

to read part 1, click here

so i can go?

that is what i said. did you have anything you wanted to ask me?

who do you like in the bears-packers game tonight?

i thought it was tomorrow night.

no, it is tonight, for sure. the bears are favored by four and a half.

for four and a half, i like the packers.

want me to put a bet down for you?

uh, no, i want to think about it a little bit first.

the game is tonight.

i heard you the first time. have a nice night, henry.

you too, mr lord high inquisitor.


hello, ms frietchie.

hello, henry. how did your session with the inspector go?

very well, thank you. he asked me to say hello to you for him.

yes, he is always a gentleman. i am not going to ask you what you discussed, because i am not by nature an inquisitive person, and besides, i am prevented from doing so by the privacy act of year 23.

he told me to call him the grand high inquisitor.

there is no such office, but he does like his little joke. such a pleasant gentleman.

yes, he does. i have a great sense of humor myself, and i like other people who have a sense of humor.

moving right along., i have arranged an appointment for you with the doctor. on wednesday at 0900 hours.

thank you. can i go for a walk?

yes, but be sure you do not exceed the limit of fifteen minutes.

i will do my best not to, but unforeseen circumstances may intervene.

another of your little jokes. be back in fifteen minutes.


where is henry?

he is not back yet.

is he ever?

but he never really leaves, does he?

like the rest of us.

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