
Friday, May 24, 2024

pinkie, part 2

by genghis gilgamesh

to read part 1, click here

the ferguson gang - let’s take a look. according to my information the ferguson gang was captured and disbanded after terrorizing ths countryside for a mere eight months.

yes, but we had some great times while they lasted.

so what happened to you after they were broken up?

me and ike ferguson got jobs cleaning swimming pools in acapulco.

and did you enjoy your experience cleaning swimimnig pools?

not much. it was hot as hell all the time, and the people were real stuck up.

and then what?

me and ike split up. he got taken up by this rich old lady and i took off on my own.


i id not get very far. i heard pancho villa and robin hood were looking for recruits but i could not find them.

nobody else can find them either. or yeti or prester john. where did you look, if you do not mind my asking?

all over.

thank you. does that bring us to the present?

i guess. you guys picked me up about a week ago.

how have you been treated at the facility.

about as well as can be expected.

how do you like the food.

no complaints. i have had better, i have had worse.

good. all right, citizen 8940-4307-2319-6649-4., aka pinkie, that concludes the interview. i will mark you down as designated for assignment, how does that sound to you?

i do not suppose i have much say about it.

i hope i did not detect a note of bitterness there.

am i free to go?

yes, as soon as that lazy guard gets back.

i thought it was a robot.

the correct term is model integrated functionary. but they get lazy, too.


one more thing before i let you go.

and what might that be?

tell me one funny story about your experiences , either at school in district 67-4, or with the ferguson gang.

let me think.

you do have some stories?

oh, of course, i got a million of them.

(to be continued)

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