
Monday, May 20, 2024

pinkie, part 1

by genghis gilgamesh

have a seat.

thank you.

your number is -


do you have a name?


would you like to have a name?

it is all the same to me.

do you have any friends?


if you had any friends, or a friend, what would you like them to call you?.


all right, pinkie, are you a human?

as far as i know.

did you have a mom and a dad?


what were their names?

mom and dad,

what is the first thing you remember your mom saying?

o my god that’s gorgeous.

what is the first thing you remember our dad saying?

that is one hell of a good looking truck.

did mom and dad send you to school?


what did they do?

they took me out and left me in the woods.

. were you raised by wolves or bears?

neither, i was raised by wild hogs. but we had some hellacious fights with the wolves and bears, especially the wolves. those were great times.

but they didn’t last.

no, the service came in and cleaned out area 5, and i was sent to school in district 67-4.

and did you learn anything useful at the school?

i did not learn anything. i escaped and joined the ferguson gang.

part 2

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