
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

henry, part 1

by corinne delmonico

i will just take two, thought henry.

and a third.

one more will not make a difference.

might as well finish them off.


you startled me.

what do you think you are doing?

what do you care? besides, you saw very well what i was doing.

ah, adding effrontery to your insolence.

are they not the same thing?

go to your space. expect a summons from the doctor. and from the advisor. and from the inspector.

what! from the inspector? that seems a bit extreme.

go to your space.


i am sorry to see you here again today, henry.

i did not come here, mr inspector, they brought me here.

you try that joke every time, henry, but this time i did not use the word that you came here, i only indicated that you were here.

whatever, what can i do for you today, mr inspector?

for starters, you can stop calling me mr inspector, and address me as most lord high inquisitor.

for real?

no, just kidding. you see, i can have my little joke too.

that’s good, everybody is entitled to a little fun once in a while, even most lord high inquisitors.

down to business. your offenses are piling up. henry. they are not serious offenses so far, but numbers count.

i can count too, mr inquisitor. i got three more minor offenses before i get sent to jupiter, and then i get a hearing and at least one appeal.

i can always count on you to know the rules of the game. i am pretty busy today so you can go. i just do not want to see you here four more times. say hello to ms frietchie for me.

so i can go?

part 2

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