
Friday, May 3, 2024

two kinds

by nick nelson

there are two kinds of people in this world. people who walk down the street, and people who sit on park benches.

king arthur was the kind of person who walked down the street, especially at night, when the world is asleep.

or is it?

is the world really asleep at night?

or is it just dreaming?

and what is it dreaming about?

is life a dream, and was king arthur just trapped in it?

king arthur often wondered about these things, but when he tried to discuss then with his wife, whom he knew simply as old girl, she dismissed him with a wave of her hand.

just shut up and watch tv, arthur, old girl would say. what you see on the screen is the real dream and the real world, and that is all there is to it.

old girl had a friend named deal with it, and deal with it would come over and old girl and deal with it would sit and watch the tv and talk about things, including king arthur, as if poor king arthur was not even there.

king arthur thought he might he going msd.

he had to escape..

blackbeard the pirate was the kind of person who sat on park benches.

one night king arthur was walking the streets of the city and he strayed closer to the outskirts of town than he usually did and he encountered blackbeard the pirate sitting on a park bench which was sorely in need of a fresh coat of paint.

here, king arthur thought in a sudden flash of inspiration, is the friend i have been seeking all my life.

do you mind if i sit here, king arthur enquired politely of blackbeard the pirate.

it is what it is there for, blackbeard the pirate retorted offhandedly.

and that is how it all began.

or did it?

what does it mean to say that something all began?

in particular, what is the all in all began?

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