
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

walking at night

by nick nelson

halfcourt liked to go for long walks at night, even though he did not have a dog.

he would have liked to have a dog, but his wife would not allow it.

strictly speaking, he did not his wife’s permission to do anything -

but you know how it is.

halfcourt wished he lived in an earlier simpler age, where, as he understood it, a man - or a woman or even a child, if it “ran away from home” - could somehow “move to another town”, simply give oneself a new name, and “start over”.

how, he wondered, was such a thing possible? it was a subject that often occupied his mind when he went for his walks with his non-existent dog.

obviously, people in the old days must not have had any i d’s, at least none that they had to produce with any regularity.

if a fellow just up and “moved to another town”, where did he sleep and what did he eat while he did this? how did he keep himself and his clothes clean?

he must have had a supply of cash - in what size bills? (halfcourt had only seen a fifty dollar bill twice in his life, and never a one hundred dollar bill).

even if he slept in his car (which his wife would probably report as stolen even if she did not bother to report him as “missing”) the gas would eat up his cash even more inexorably than the need for food.

and people supposedly did it even more in the faraway time before automobiles! how far could they get, and how fast?

and how did they keep from getting robbed?

halfcourt wished he had someone he could talk too about these matters.

he knew, as well as you or i, that he could simply go online and ask google or some other search engine ,but he also knew that anything he asked online would immediately be recorded and noted by big brain.

so, when he went for his walks, and when he fell asleep at night in front of his television, he dreamed of somehow meeting someone on his walks who could guide him.

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