
Thursday, May 23, 2024


by nick nelson

it was summertime.

the living was easy.

kenneth gray had a week off, after fifteen years of never taking one off.

under a new policy instituted unanimously by the board of directors, the company had forced kenneth to take the week off, even though he had not ben inclined to do so.

kenneth had been proud of his record of never taking a week off for fifteen years, and was disappointed at having to end it.

he walked down main steeet, heading for the corner of main and center streets. although he had no particular purpose in mind.

he had twenty million dollars in his pocket, which the company had given him as a reward for his fifteen years faithful service.

a pretty girl was standing on the corner of main and central streets.

hello, kenneth said to her.

hello yourself, the pretty girl replied.

you are pretty, kenneth told her.

thank you, but i already knew that.

i have twenty million dollars in my pocket, kenneth said. would you like me to buy you a new hat?

thank you, that is very kind of you, but i bought myself a new hat just yesterday.

kenneth smiled politely at the pretty girl and moved along down main street.

at the corner of main and washington street, he encountered a grizzly bear.

hello, kenneth said to the grizzly bear..

> can i help you , the grizzly bear growled.

you look powerful, kenneth said, as well as grizzly.

thank,you, but i already knew that.

i have twenty million dollars in my pocket, kenneth said. would you like me to buy you a yacht, or a mountain?

thank you, the grizzly bear replied , but i bought myself a yacht yesterday and a mountain this morning. what do you take me for, some kind of bum?

i am sorry, kenneth said, i meant no disrespect.

kenneth continued down the street.

at the corner of main lincoln stre, a gypsy woman had set up a little table and was telling fortunes.

hello, kenneth said to the gypsy woman.

hello yourself, the gypsy replied.

i have twenty million dollars in my pocket, kenneth said. would you like me to buy you a new deck of cards?

no thank you, one of my great grandchildren gave me a new deck of cards yesterday for my birthday. but i will tell you your fortune for your twenty million dollars.

the gypsy took a card from the deck in her hand and placed it face up on her little table.

it was the king of spades.

you will meet a pretty girl at the corner of main street and broadway, and you will want to buy her a new pair of shoes, but you will not be able to, because you just gave your twenty million dollars to me.

suddenly kenneth felt tired.

what a joke everything is, he thought despondently.

he decided to go home and take a nap.

six more days until he could go back to work!

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