
Monday, May 27, 2024

the avenger

by nick nelson

good morning.

good morning, can i help you?

is mister boggs in?

do you have an appointment?

no, but he knows me. he will want to see me.

i am sorry but i can not take your word for it. how did you get in here, if you do not mind my asking?

i just walked in. there were no security guards or anything.

yes, building security was discontinued about eighteen months ago, but how did you get to the building? surely there were security in the streets.

i have my ways.

well, that is an interesting answer. i will have to consult with mister boggs’s secretary, miss brown. have you met miss brown?

i do not think so.

you would like her. she is a delightful person. and here she is now. miss brown, this individual wants to see mister boggs. he claims to know mister boggs.

how did he get into the building past city security?

he says he has his ways.

i see. look here, fellow, do you have a name?

you know my name.

i am sorry, but i do not know your name.

my name is you know my name. but you can just call me - the avenger. you just tell mister boggs the avenger is here. he knows my name.

you are a strange man. do you have any identification?

none that means anything.

and how did you get here?

i am here, that is all that counts.

i will tell mister boggs you are here, mister avenger. (miss brown departs)

why don’t you have a seat? this may take a while.


mister boggs is not always immediately accessible. in fact, it is just about time for his nap. why don’t you have a seat? there is an excellent selection of magazines and books on the table there.

all right, but don’t be giving me the old run around or play the old army game with me. i do not take kindly to it. by theway, do i know you from somewhere?

i do not think so.

i ask everybody that question. someday someone will answer it in the affirmative.

there is an excellent selection of magazines and books on the table there.

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