people are bad they should be good
i keep telling them but they won't listen
i don't give up i keep being reborn

but for every one of me there are billions of them
acting bad finding new ways to be bad
bad bad bad billions

i don't give up i take to the road
thumb out thirsty
a car pulls up in this life i am a regular guy

in the last one i was a babe but in this one i am a regular guy
john garfield to be exact
in the last one i was lana turner

this time lana turner is behind the wheel
and she says get in
and i do "where you headed?"

"anywhere" "so how are you?"
"thirsty." "there's a bar right up ahead."
the road unreels the endless road

the road and the desert become one

i look at the dashboard but there is no radio

it hasn't been invented yet in this universe

finally we come to a bar
in the middle of this nowhere world a car is parked outside it

and steve cochran is sitting on the running board
to get a little shade and he says to lana turner

"hi" (he ignores me)
and she says "ready?"
and he says "yeah"

"then you might as well get going" "yeah"
the door of the bar opens
and rita hayworth comes out with a red suitcase

not a word is spoken as she and steve cochran drive away

and i am left alone with the desert and lana turner
"still thirsty?' "sure"

"let's go inside" a bird flies overhead

and its shadow falls on her face

i was wrong i thought there were billions
of people in the universe but
that is just something they tell you in school

there are really only four people
john garfield lana turner
steve cochran and rita hayworth
which one are you?

Horace really outdid himself with this little madrigal.
this is very special
startling, rhoda.
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