
Friday, September 16, 2022

pals in the future

by bofa xesjum

the barbarian watched as the sentient being emerged from the forest.

a panther, he thought, everything is a panther these days.

the creature’s eyes were incandescent, indicating it had emerged from a watery grave.

the barbarian thought of his old pal, the knight in shining armor.

and the good times they had together in the castle in the sky.

but how true a harbinger had they been of what was to come?

the friar had taken the opportunity to betray them to the warden.

the tranquility of the castle had been broken by the friar’s unseemly jest..

the future can be predicted if you just know where to look.

how true, the barbarian thought.

all ectoplasm has its own veracity.

go on, the friar roared with laughter, you do not even know what ectoplasm is.

the aardvark perished in the deluge.

so he was not present when the folderdol burst into flames.

the panther hid in the rhubarb the whole time.

and exhaled slowly as the yellowjacket disappeared over the meadow.

the panther’s name was pete.

he was going to be late for work at the pyramid.

he would never have another such opportunity.

he blamed the barbarian and the knight for his plight.

but the foreman would have none of it.

and banished him into the burning desert.

where he turned into a peasant and searched for forty years for the rhubarb patch.

the yellowjacket finally took pity on him.

and agreed to help him in his quest for vengeance against the barbarian and the knight.

he turned into a yeti for the purpose.

the barbarian’s name was bill.

the knight’s name was cliff.

unknown to the peasant and the yeti, bill and cliff went to the great city and got jobs at costermongers.

pete and yeti did not know what costermongers were, or where they could be found.

they got jobs in the city as roustabouts.

costermongers and roustabouts did not hang out together in the city.

the future can be predicted if you just know where to look

but you have to know where to look.

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