
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

sixteen candles

by so so johnson

the most important thing in the world is to care

the biggest problem in the world is greed

every human being has a right to a decent life

every living creature has a right to a decent life

no human has the right to tell another human being what to do

life should be fair

the only true religion is love

next to greed, the biggest problem in the world is power

religion and capitalism seek power by pitting groups of people against each other

religion created capitalism, and capitalism created war

the first priests created religion to drive people apart into separate tribes and enslave them

all people should be free to love any way they want

the priests and capitalists are against love because they want to hold on to power

all power should be abolished so that people can love and be free

the personal is the political

society should be completely torn down and restructured

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