
Saturday, January 30, 2021


by genghis gilgamesh

the sun came up like red daffodils.

a lone traveler rode across the desert.

he could see the fortress on the horizon.

but his steed was almost done.

the steed was a mighty goronian lizard, and had done the rider good service since he had acquired it in a bazaar on the border of the empire.

but now it fell to its knees and could not go on.

the fortress loomed, dark and silent, on the horizon.

the rider got off the beast.

he had one bullet left in his pistol.

he had been saving it for the monster in the fortress.

the rider had always prided himself on showing mercy to the beasts who served him.

but he could not waste this last bullet to put the poor creature out of its misery.

he started on foot across the sands.

he could hear the great lizard whimpering behind him.

after he had gone a hundred yards he turned back.

taking a deep breath, he fired the bullet into the lizard’s brain.

the shot echoed and reechoed across the plain.

looking up, the rider saw the awakened monster emerge from the fortress.

the monster was even larger and more terrible than he had been told.

the rider drew his sword.

the monster rushed upon him in a few great bounds.

it was quickly over.

the sun rose higher in the sky.

the only sound in the desert was that of the gastric juices of the monster, dissolving the rider.

it would get to the lizard later.

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