
Monday, July 31, 2023

j b and salome, part 2

by nick nelson

part 2 of 3

click here for part 1

a security person whose name tag read zoe jones-33 turned salome’s i d card over and regarded it with a steely gaze.

salome waited with bated breath for the verdict.

this card is out of date, zoe jones-33 observed casually.

what then am i to do? salome enquired. i thought it was still good.

i have a proposal for you, zoe jones-33 observed, looking salome straight in the eye.

and what might that be.

you can go back outside and mingle with the crowd of desperate persons trying to gain admittance to the highway. you listen to what they are saying, paying close attention to any expressed thoughts of violence or disruption of the procedure. at the end of the day, when the sun goes down, if you have any good information, state the code word “blueberry” to any security person and they will bring you back here. if the information is considered good, you will be given some consideration to be allowed on to the highway.

who decides if the information is good?

not you.

and who gives what consideration to what?

not you again. any other questions?

basically you want me to be a snitch.

i do not like your attitude. the offer is withdrawn.

so what do i do now?

you can go back and get a better i d, zoe jones-33 smirked. analog , not digital.

i don’t know what that means.

what a shame. but wait, don’t go. there is one more option, if you want to try it.

which is?

at the end of the day, just before the sun goes down on the broad highway, there is a free for all. two sides go at it with sticks - big sticks. they bash each other until only some of the participants on one side are left, and then they can get on the high road to the city - if they have enough strength left.

how many on each side?

as many as accept the terms, into two more or less even sides. there might be fifty on a side, on a busy day, or only one or two.

i have a friend who came with me. does everybody get this offer?

only if we like your looks, and you show a little spunk.

i would not like to fight my friend with a stick.

then this interview is over. next!

part 3

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