
Thursday, July 22, 2021

annoying harold

by bofa xesjum

by the way, harold, you left your hat here when you went home the other night.

but i had it on my head when i got home.

you only thought you had it on your head.

are you questioning the efficiency of my brain?

very well, have it your way.

your idea of fun is limited.

what, do you want me to lie to you?

did you read about the volcano in russia?

there are no volcanoes in russia.

i understand. you don’t want to change the subject, but to go on belittling me.

harold, harold, harold.

i think i shall go home.

it’s cold outside. don’t forget your scarf. or your hat.

forgive me if i have no devastating response.

don’t trip over the rug on your way out.

at last, thought peter paul, he is gone.

quiet pervaded the room, interrupted only by jasper’s soft breathing.

it had been a long day for both peter paul and jasper.

peter paul went to the refrigerator rand took out a kumquat

this kumquat is mine, he thought.

i should stay in more, unless i have to go out more.

jasper eyed peter paul warily.

he had no love of kumquats himself

outside, a dull explosion could be heard.

nothing had been decided.

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