
Thursday, September 5, 2024

out in the street

by bofa xesjum

it started to rain.

the street was deserted.

the word “love” had been chalked on the sidewalk.

along with what , to robinson’s eagle eye, seemed to be a crude picture of a woman.

the rain began to wash the words and the crude picture away.

a girl looked out a window.

she saw robinson standing in the street, making no attempt to get out of the rain, and looking down at the word “love” written on the sidewalk.

maybe i should have written the word “hate” instead, she thought.

a cloud passed over robinson’s brain.

i really should get out of the rain, he thought.

i could really use a cup of coffee and a couple of cheeseburgers.

i wish it was night and i could go home.

the girl stayed at the window, watching robinson’s shoulders droop.

another man appeared in the street.

he looked like he meant business.

he strode purposefully through the raindrops toward robinson.

nice day, the new man addressed robinson.

some people might think so, robinson responded tersely.

sarcasm will get you nowhere, the man laughed.

robinson took a closer look at his new acquaintance.

do you always stand in the rain like this? one of them asked the other.

a woman seated at a desk spoke sharply to the girl watching the two men from the window.

are you going to stand there looking at the street all afternoon?

the street can be interesting sometimes, the girl replied unconcernedly.

you need a boy friend, that is what you need.

the woman picked a piece of paper up from the desk.

here, she said to the girl, this requires your undivided attention.

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