
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

what i have learned from reading a million books in 10,000 lifetimes

by anonymous

there are people - they are probably people, but who knows ? - who rule the world

they have ruled it since “the beginning of history” - about 6000 years ago

or maybe longer

they have complete control over human life, and all life on earth

the greatest heroes, the most dedicated revolutionaries, the wisest sages are helpless against them

the rulers grind the heroes, the rebels, the sages, into powder and laugh at them every day

you and i and the whole human race are their helpless pawns

there is an occasional pathetic stab at an uprising but it is quickly shut down

they always win

there is no light on the horizon and no horizon

there is no light at the end of the tunnel and no tunnel

and yet -

this is the strange part -

they, the rulers, are complete idiots who know nothing

figures of fun mocked and cursed not only by the wise but by every passing bum or clown or bag lady

a newborn child, a cat, a dog, a stone, know more than they

why is this? how can this be?

do you have any thoughts on this?

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