
Monday, May 8, 2023

johnny wakes up

by bofa xesjum

johnny woke up.

it was the first day of the rest of his life.

how had it come to this?

he got up from the cot he was lying on.

he put his feet on the floor.

his clothes were on an elephant beside the cot and he put them on.

the elephant was a dusty gray color and blocked the light from the window.

johnny wanted a cup of coffee and he asked the elephant to stop blocking his view.

where had he seen the elephant before?

he hoped all would be revealed.

he gazed out the room’s one window.

a mountain stood tall over the horizon, but the sun had not risen over it.

that was it - he must have ridden the elephant down the mountain.

he hoped he could get a cup of coffee in the town.

and that there was a town.

and that the building in which the room he and the elephant were in was in the town.

leaving the elephant to his thoughts, johnny opened the door and left the room.

he went down the stairs.

the stairs were dark, and he went down four flights to the front door.

the building was quiet.

there was a table beside the front door, but there was no mail or anything else on it.

outside in the gray light, two individuals were leaning against a car that needed a coat of paint.

at least they have cars in the town, johnny thought, not just elephants or camels.

the two individuals looked familiar.

but everything should look familiar.

otherwise it is easy to get lost.

one of the two individuals had a big black beard, and the other wore a cowboy hat.

hello danny, the man with the beard said, it is about time you got up.

my name is johnny, johnny started to say, but stopped.

he recognized the man with the black beard and the man with the cowboy hat.

they were ———————— and ————————.

he should have known.

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