
Monday, January 24, 2022

truth day

by bofa xesjum

hello. abe, how is it going?

not too bad.

is it raining out?

not yet.

we are doing something a little different tonight.

oh? and why is that?

didn’t you know?

no, what?

today is truth day.

i did not know that. i must have forgotten.

well, this is your chance to make up for lost time.

lost time to do what?

to tell the truth.

the truth about what?

about who you are.

everybody knows who i am. i have no secrets, and i am a square shooter and a regular guy.

well, abe, some people might think that using such old fashioned expressions as that indicate that you have something to hide.

i have nothing to hide.

you mean you have nowhere to hide.

nowhere to hide from what?

from the truth.

you know, i have had just about enough of this. i think i will just get up and leave,

suit yourself. but you can’t run and you can’t hide. also, it might be raining out.

i don’t care.

and with that, abe got up and left.

it was raining out. abe walked along in the rain, muttering to himself and getting wet.

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