
Saturday, May 16, 2020

adrian and francesca

by bofa xesjum

adrian was rich, handsome, bad, and intelligent.

betty was rich, ugly, good, and intelligent.

adrian said hello to betty at the board meeting.

betty smiled politely, but adrian could see she was only being polite.

well, bleep her, adrian thought, i don’t care if she has enough money to burn a bear out of an oil well,, she’s ugly.

carl had called the meeting. he was chairman of the board. a magazine had listed him as the 113th richest person in the world, but nobody believed it.

many people, including adrian, laughed at carl behind his back and said he was not even in the top 1,000 richest people in the world.

adrian came from a long line of rich, intelligent, and handsome people. they thought they owned the world, and to a certain extent they did, but some of them owned more of it than others.

some of them, but not that many, were worse people than adrian.

betty had only smiled politely at adrian, as if she had no interest in him, but she actually knew a great deal about him, from her friend donna.

donna had warned betty about what a terrible person adrian was, and warned her to stay away from him as much as possible.

elaine, who was had been carl’s secretary for twenty years, thought adrian and betty would make a cute couple. she did not say so, because she cultivated her reputation as an impartial observer of all things connected with the company.

francesca was attending her first meeting, but she had been told by carl not to speak and she would not be spoken to, but just to take notes, especiaaly on betty’s body language when adrian was speaking.

francesca was a fox. everybody at the meeting kept glancing surreptiously at her.

not that anyone was surprised at her appearance. carl had an endless supply of foxes on hand, because that was his way.

glenda stood behind francesca as francesca was getting a cup of coffee and a cheese danish.

i wish i could eat a cheese danish, glenda said in a friendly manner to francesca. i would have to run five every miles every mornibg to burn it off.

i run six miles every morning, francesca replied. and another three at night.

just then carl took his seat at the head of the table, and the others all took their places.

i wonder how it all will end, glenda thought. what a much nicer world it would be if anybody actually knew anything.

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