
Tuesday, October 26, 2021


by nick nelson

well, that is enough for today, the instructor told owen. we will try again tomorrow.

the instructor began putting her paraphernalia in her bag.

owen got up and left.

it was still only afternoon, so he walked the streets, wondering if he would ever learn.

he was lonely as a cloud, and free as a bird.

why lonely as a cloud, and free as a bird, he wondered.

why not lonely as a trash receptacle, or as free as a squirrel?

he started to cross the street, and somebody yelled at him, not politely, to watch where he was going.

he was almost through another day, without being hit by a car, or a bus, or a meteor.

tomorrow would be another day, and he would try again.

tomorrow would be different.

a whole different story.

he would finally be approved.

and his life would be a whole new adventure.

suddenly he realized he had stepped on a crack in the sidewalk

so there was no hope for tomorrow.

but maybe the day after tomorrow.

he couldn’t give up.

not with the fate of the universe hanging in the balance.

what did hanging in the balance mean anyway?

what was a balance?

somebody shouted - at him?

not twice in fifteen minutes!

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