
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

the arrivers

by anonymous


i hope you are well today.

my name is joshua jericho.

i am a human being, just like you.

i have led an uneventful life, the details of which need not concern us here.

i have lived for a while, and , barring anything unforseen, i anticipate living a while longer.

my purpose in addressing you today is this -

i am trying to start a mass movement.

a mass movement of people, like myself, who have no opinions about anything and who mean no harm and just want to get along.

the movement will be called “the arrivers”.

there will be no program, and no organization.

anybody, absolutely at all, can join.

there are no qualifications, or disqualifications.

no applications or questionnaires to fill out.

you do not have to inform anyone, anyone at all, of your wish to join, if you do not care to.

all you have to do be an “arriver” is wish to be one.

there are no membership dues, and no way to collect them.

there will be no leaders, or officers.

and no records kept of the members, or of the number of members.

you are encouraged, though not required, to proclaim your membership, and to suggest to others that they might like to join. aggressive recruitment or proselytizing is not encouraged, however, as it might give a false or negative impression of the movement.

when our numbers become large enough, then we will make our move.

i sincerely hope that our day will come.

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