
Tuesday, November 3, 2020


dusk, at the edge of nowhere.

a man wearing a brown jacket and a green hat walked into the last chance cafe.

has flo been here? he asked jenny.

who? ain’t no flo round here, that i know of.

well, maybe you know her by some other name.

i wouldn’t know about that.

you would know flo, whatever name she went by.

really? and why would that be?

because flo is one of a kind.

and what kind would that be?

flo is a woman.

lots of women around. half the human race, or thereabouts, last i heard.

but not a woman like flo, the man in the green hat insisted. flo is all woman. flo is every woman. flo is eternal woman. she is sunshine and gossamer and the wind and the rain -

jerry was sitting in the booth by the door. what in tarnation is gossamer? he asked. but the man in the green hat ignored him.

- flo is the earth, and she covers the earth and fills the sky. when she walks by on her magic feet, rich men realize they are mortal, and poor men are glad to be alive. when she smiles the clouds disappear, but when she frowns, o woe betide the wretch she frowns upon, for her fury is like to the typhoon that rolis the ocean -

sounds like quite a gal, jerry interrupted again.

doesn’t sounds like anybody we know, jenny added.

oh. well, i just thought i’d ask.

sorry we couldn’t oblige.

well, i guess i’ll be on my way then. thank you for your time.

care to buy something? cup of coffee, slice of pie?

no, i’m in a hurry to find flo. you see, my life depends upon it.

suit yourself.

with that, the man in the green hat turned around and departed.

half an hour later, flo came in.

a feller was in here looking for you, jenny told her.

did he have a name?

none that he gave us.

what did he look like?

ordinary looking, wearing a green hat and a brown jacket, kind of shabby.

doesn’t sound like anybody i want to associate with.

i didn’t give out no information. told him we didn’t know you.

thank you. flo sat down at the counter.

the usual, flo?

no, i think i’ll live dangerously, try something different. give me a grilled cheese sandwich.

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