
Monday, November 16, 2020

the interloper, part eight

by nick nelson

part eight of eight

for previous episode, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here

“just shut up and follow me.”

i followed carlos up the hill. it was steeper than i first thought, and the ground was soft.

a gravel driveway appeared. we avoided it, and moved around to the back of the building.

carlos motioned to me to stop.

a light went on in the top floor - the attic? - of the building.

“all right,” carlos whispered. “let’s go. get your pistol out and get ready to wave it .”

suddenly the whole building exploded with light.

had i really expected anything else?

i ran.

i had no thought of carlos. i ran back around the building and started down the hill.

a huge animal, which i assume was a dog, though it might have been a wolf or a panther, knocked me down and pinned mr down.

the beast growled fiercely in my face, but refrained from ripping out my throat or my guts.

i heard human voices. a light was shined directly in my face.

“back off, nelson,” somebody told the beast, and with a snarl it did.

“recognize this one, guv’nor?” the same voice asked somebody.

i heard a deep laugh and sat up.

though i had not seen him since we were lads, i recognized churchill. he was wearing a bowler hat and smoking a fat cigar.

why, that’s just old bunghead billings,” churchill said. “he’s quite harmless, you can let him go.”

a rough hand grabbed me and pulled me up, i looked into the bronzed face of a guardsman or royal marine or some such.

“off you go, mate,” he told me. “i would advise you step lively, before the guv’nor changes his mind.

i needed no encouragement. i ran down the hill and into the night.

i came to a crossroads. one road seemed as good as another.

i found myself on a dark moor. i ran and ran.

i encountered a tramp with a sack slung over his shoulder. something seemed to be moving inside the sack.

i hailed him, but he ignored me, and went on down the road with his sack full of puppies or snakes or what not.

i was picked up by a roving patrol just before dawn.

you know the rest.

where am i ? who am i ? am i b-9-674-kd-7? am i charles jones? am i 407-543-py? am i jerry? am i old bunghead billings?

who am i ? who is anybody?

all i ever wanted was to be me.

all i ever wanted was to be free.

i want to go home.

the end

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