
Wednesday, April 26, 2023

larry and joey and bucky

by horace p sternwall

they called him
larry the limp
or maybe it was
sammy the simp
kids threw stones
at him back
in the day
joey bradford was
the police chief’s son
or maybe even
the mayor’s
joey was
a timid but also
rebellious child
who worshpped
bucky larimer
a bully and
leader of
the eighth grade pack
sometimes bucky
tolerated joey
and let him follow
the pack around

one day the pack
was throwing stones
at larry or sammy
and joey was allowed
in on the fun
a stone hit larry-sammy
in the head
and killed him
bucky was sent to
reform schol
insisting that joey
the mayor’s son
had thrown the rock
that killed larry-sammy
twenty years later
when bucky was working
at a body shop in
casper wyoming
he told his story to
a reporter named
jane wilson
who decided to
write a book

about the injustice
done to bucky
and expose joey
but joey who
like bucky was now
thirty-one years old
could not be found
to be interviewed
or exposed
and the story
joined the library
of stories
with no ending
that will never
be told

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