
Monday, November 15, 2021

love and hate

by bofa xesjum

george washingon hated the whole human race.

abraham lincoln loved the whole human race.

george said to abraham, let’s stand on the corner. the first person who comes along, i will say i hate them and you say you love them, and we will see what happens.

all right, abraham agreed.

the first person to come along was little bo peep, with her sheep.

i hate you, george washington said.

you do not say so, little bo peep replied.

i love you, abraham lincoln told her.

creep, little bo peep said, and she and her sheep moved on.

the next person to arrive at the corner was cleopatra, leading a crocodile on a leash.

i hate you, george washington told cleopatra.

send me a postcard, cleopatra replied.

i love you, abrahan lincoln said.

you can send me one too, cleopatra told him, and she went on her way with her crocodile.

then margaret thatcher appeared with her bulldog trotting by her side. the bulldog was not growling but was behaving himself admirably.

i hate you, george washington addressed margaret thatcher.

i suggest you write a letter to the times. they are always receptive to the views of informed citizens.

i love you, abraham lincoln said.

thank you, margaret thatcher told him. i will see you at the polls.

and margaret thatcher and her well behaved bulldog passed by,

george washinton looked at abraham lincoln.

what is up with these women and their animals? george asked abraham.

i don’t know, abraham said. i don’t know anything about women.

neither do i, george admitted.

the sun began to go down.

it started to rain.

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