
Saturday, November 6, 2021

the road and the story, part 2

by wiggly jones, "the little hippie boy"

to read part one, click here

we parted thus most amicably
and i wandered down the road
i saw white clouds float through the sky
and then i met a toad

i asked the toad the time of day
he answered, half past three
if you don’t mind my saying so
you look familiar to me

i was little david, he said
a slayer of giants bold
and you were once goliath
back in the days of old

that was a few years ago
i hope you have learned your lesson
nastiness comes and nastiness goes
but righteousness is always in session

i believe you are mistaken
i answered the amphibian politely
i am but a philosopher
and wear the appellation lightly

i take no part in conflicts
especially the physical kind
and always take the middle ground
in those of words and the mind

i perceive you to be quite satisfied
with being what you are
the toad replied with the hint of a sneer
but i glory in battles’ scars

with that he produced a scimitar
and cut my head from my shoulders
a proceeding my young self might have deplored
but i have grown wise as i have grown older

you meet all sorts on the road of life
alternately angry and sad
but i hum my tune as i walk along
and think of all the fun i have had

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