
Monday, December 14, 2020

poem - imagine

by so so johnson


imagine a world where everybody gets along.

a world where everybody is a rebel.

a world where everybody does their own thing.

a world where nobody tells anybody else what to do.

a world where everybody thinks for themselves.

a world where nobody cares what anybody else says or thinks, and where everybody says exactly what they think.

a world without bosses.

a world without slaves.

a world without money.

a world where nobody takes any grief from anybody else.

a world where nobody is a waiter or a waitress.

a world where nobody sits behind a desk all day.

a world without factories.

a world where nobody drives a truck or a bus or a cab.

a world where nobody has to depend on tips, or has to panhandle.

a world where nobody has to sell themself.

a world where nobody says yes, sir, or no, ma’am.

a world where everybody is a poet.

a world where everybody is an artist.

a world where everybody is a filmmaker.

a world where everybody is a singer/songwriter.

a world where everybody is famous.

a world where everybody is a billionaire.

a world without police, and prisons, and courts, and lawyers, and prosecutors.

a world without homicide detectives.

a world without murderers, or thieves, or muggers.

a world without bad people.

a world without jerks.

a world without people who think they know everything.

a world without ignorance.

a world without advertising.

a world without racism, or sexism, or homophobia.

a world without liberals or conservatives, red states or blue states, republicans or democrats, karens or deplorables.

a world where nobody is out to get you.

a world where nobody is watching you all the time.

a world where you can go anywhere you want, and do anything you want, and be anything you want.

a world without lies.

a world without so-called truth.

a world without laws.

a world without so-called laws of nature.

just a world.


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