
Sunday, August 15, 2021


by bofa xesjum

let’s do something different.

like what?

you tell me.

you asked the question.

exactly, i asked the question.

what was the question again?

let’s do something different.

i wouldn’t call that a question.

whatever, do you have any ideas for doing something different?

like what? give me an example.

um - watching something different on tv.

that would not be something different - it would still be watching tv.

yes, but if you watched a cooking show, or a reality show, or old episodes of star trek, those would all be different things.

no, they wouldn’t , they would all be watching tv.

suppose you read different books, like harry potter, or james pattetson, or the bible or the koran, would those all be the same because they are all books?


suppose you went for a walk, or shot somebody in the street, or stood on the corner singing hymns, those would all be the same thing, because they are all things and you would just be doing things, is that what you are saying?

i never thought of it that way, but, yes, that makes sense.

we could walk around the block.

why? we would just be back where we started.

but it would be something different.

you’re saying nobody has ever walked around the block before?

no, i’m just saying it would be something different for us, instead of just sitting here and watching tv.

we might get mugged.

all right, i give up.

see? you give up easy, that’s your problem. how are you ever going to do something different if you give up as easy as that?

you got me . i have no answer.

i’m hungry. let’s order something to eat.

there you go. we could order something different.

you mean besides pizza?

i wouldn’t go that far. we could order something different on the pizza.

but if they had it, somebody must have ordered it before. they wouldn’t have anything that nobody had ever ordered before.

we could put something on it ourselves.

ourselves? where would we get it?

from the refrigeraor.

there is nothing in the refrigerator.

what fo you mean there is nothing in the refrigerator? there is beer.

i meant besides beer.

you got all the answers, don’t you?

it is what i am here for.

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