
Monday, August 2, 2021


by nick nelson

oh, thought osgood.

this is very interesting, very interesting indeed.

but why did it have to happen today, today of all days?

it must be some kind of plot.

i remember when things were different.

osgood looked up and the sky was empty.

a duck squawked on the pond.

the duck flew away and now the pond was empty too.

when things empty, they all empty.

now osgood began to understand.

life was emptiness.

there was nothing under the surface.

terror gripped him in its ice cold arms.

finally , a cloud passed overhead, breaking the spell

osgood liked to read books about pirates, and had always dreamed of being one.

when he had told constance of his fantasies, her response was not difficult to imagine.

are you all right, sir, a voice behind him asked.

but when he turned around, he found he was quite alone.

the duck did not return to the pond.

he had no idea who he was, what he was, or where he was.

as a child he had been fond of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

his guardian, a kindly sort, had obliged him in this apparently harmless passion.

where was the guardian now, he wondered.

people try to grind you down - he understood that.

make that a double.

what did you expect?

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