
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

the perfect time

by fred flynn

even though it was inconvenient, victor decided to go for his daily walk.

how was he to foresee the terrible consequences?

it was nobody’s business, he thought, what he did with his free time.

victor had never been noted for his sense of humor.

franklin, his distinguished colleague, often mocked victor when he was not present to defend himself.

greta, the secretary they had to share due to the new economy measures, did not care much for either victor or franklin.

on this particular day, she knew that victor had gone for his afternoon walk, but she did not know the whereabouts of franklin.

greta decided to forgo her usual trip to the company cafeteria, and use the time to write a long letter to her friend florence, who had married a chemist and moved to knoxville tennessee.

maybe everything does not happen for a reason, but some things do.

greta had just begun her letter to florence when the red light on her desk flashed on.

this indicated something very important - something so important that either victor or franklin had to be notified at once.

with a sigh, greta pressed the intercom button, half expecting that she would hear the voice of the director himself.

instead a strange voice said - is this the perfect time?

the perfect time for what, sir? greta replied uncertainly. this is just what i need, she thought.

whom am i speaking to? the strange voice asked.

i am the secretary for mister victor and doctor franklin, sir. did you wish to contact ether of them?

am i to understand, then, that this is not the perfect time? the voice asked sharply.

greta was now seriously perplexed, as well as terminally annoyed. i do not understand you, sir, she repeated, the perfect time for what?

the time for everything to come together.

the time for every what to come together? greta asked gamely.

listen, the caller said in a more judicious tone, can you not hear it?

the only thing i hear is your voice, greta replied petulantly.

then all is lost, lost, lost forever.

were you trying to reach mister victor or professor franklin? do you know whom you are trying to reach?

yes, my dear lady, i know exactly whom i was trying... trying... trying... but it is too late...

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